The Right Person

Lorem ipsum...

Nuisance at 1201 N 600 W Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We looked into the situation and found that there is a Home Occupation business license registered at that address, 1201 N 600 W. Their license allows them to groom 1 or 2 dogs at a time in the garage and was approved in January 2023. If they are operating after 5pm or before 9am that would be a violation of their license, but other than that it sounds like they are operating according to their license from the city. I'm sorry that the noise has been bothering you.

Addison Jenkins
Community Development Specialist
West Bountiful City
801-292-4486, ext. 105
He wouldn't have to be sorry if he was doing his job. This business is in constant violation of their license. And what is a business doing around people's houses? We can't open the windows to get any fresh air while this nuisance business is in operation. Can't do any work outside either like yard work or doing vehicle maintenance. Just need to wait around and do it at other times either early in the morning or in the heat after 6pm or so. Addison Jenkins abruptly quit communicating after I reported some of the violations. I think he was told by a superior to cut off the communication. Who is his superior? Need to find out who that is. Here is a picture of the vehicle (Kia SUV) the employee drives to start work at 9AM. Seems odd there is a home occupation business but that this dog groomer does not even live there. There is more than one dog groomer. One may live there but is not one of the homeowners.

[insert picture here]

The homeowners listed on property tax records: ALDER, LARSON R & JULIE C

Large Plus sign painted on 1225 N east of 600 W

Plus Sign on street: Remington Whiting claims that it is for a survey being done by UDOT. I checked with UDOT and they knew nothing about it. Whiting had no further info after I informed him of his misinformation.

Hello, Please do not paint over it as your are not authorized. If you have any more questions or concerns, you can contact the city administrator at 801-292-4486.
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G, an AT&T 5G smartphone

I found it interesting how he supposedly doesn't know what it is or where it came from but is concerned about it being painted over. He must know something but isn't talking. Based on the large size I would guess it is for aircraft surveillance of some kind by either a government agency or law enforcement. Very interesting for sure.

Meeting Date: August 6, 2024  Mark Preece|Dell Butterfield|Kelly Enquist|Ken Romney|Jenn Nielsen|James Ahlstrom and City Administrator
The City Administrator stated "everythings recorded", so it's a recorded court then. I put forth the proposition that we assign someone to investigate the dog grooming nuisance and that we replace yield signs with stop signs to settle down the motorcyclists and Polaris RZR traffic. This went nowhere of course. Considering how they recently lowered speed limits and installed numerous 'Your Speed Is' signs at $3K apiece you'd think they would have loved the stop signs, but Nope!

Meeting Date: August 15, 2023  No notes regarding who was in attendence. But some were Rodney Wood, Mark Preece, Romney, Ahlstrom.
This meeting was about a large property tax increase to pay for more Police (see Your Speed Is signs above). One citizen spoke and mentioned how there was cop truck everyday by the new Your Speed Is sign by his house. Jenn Nielsen (not yet a council member) spoke about the tax increase and seemed to be mostly in favor of it, and definitely in favor of more cops and having scooters in the road.
What was shocking was the tax increase was voted DOWN! Amazing. Never seen this before. Well, this didn't last as Rodney Wood pulled out a false story regarding a vehicle/bicycle accident that occurred on July 21. He claimed the driver was a DUI and therefore we needed more police and then he got some sympathy regarding that from the council member that was sitting next to him, Mark Preece. After the DUI story Preece changed his vote and the tax increase passed. One interesting thing to note was that the Police Chief did not correct Rodney regarding the DUI. There was no DUI charge and I'm sure the chief knew that. KSL reported that he had some drugs in his system and that he was charged with negligently operating a vehicle resulting in death, a second-degree felony; weapon possession by a restricted person and obstructing justice, third-degree felonies; negligently operating a vehicle resulting in injury, a class A misdemeanor; two misdemeanor drug possession charges and a traffic infraction. Those against the tax increase were James Bruhn and Kelly Enquist and originally Mark Preece. The other pro-tax voter was Ahlstrom. After the election Rodney Wood and James Bruhn are no longer council members. Well, that's too bad we lost Bruhn.
I put forth the proposition that we defund the police department and asked about the Your Speed Is signs cost. $3K each. I guess I should have also asked about all those shiny new 25MPH signs that replaced the 30MPH signs we have had for so many years.